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The menu buttons were created by Mistpelt of Warrior Clan Cats, I give all credit to her for them.

The new posts, no new posts, hot/popular, and locked icons for the subjects & topics were created by Magpie of ForgottenPurrs, I give all credit to her.

~ The clouds pass over the sky, as seconds pass by. Will you live out your live as a rogue, kittypet, or a clan cat? Each one comes with advantages, and disadvantages. Choose your pathe's wisely ~

To start connecting with other members, register below. Before you do anything, please read the site rules here: https://warriorcatsrp.canadian-forum.com/f1-rules - We have many features for our members including the Chatbox, RPGs, and much more.

It's time to begin the adventure!

Our Assistant Administrator is; TheFluffySheep.

Our moderators are; Spottedheart, and Sand&Others.

(If you do not want to make up your own charrie, use one that has a family, or a cat someone wishes to give away, you can posses, this is open to guests: https://warriorcatsrp.canadian-forum.com/f51-rpers-needed)

Thank you & hope to see you around! Very Happy

- Birdeh, Administrator & Founder of WarriorCatsRP - Like a Star @ heaven
WE ARE NOT ACTIVE. GO TO http://theheartofawarrior.canadian-forum.com/ that is a better site!
The menu buttons were created by Mistpelt of Warrior Clan Cats, I give all credit to her for them.

The new posts, no new posts, hot/popular, and locked icons for the subjects & topics were created by Magpie of ForgottenPurrs, I give all credit to her.

~ The clouds pass over the sky, as seconds pass by. Will you live out your live as a rogue, kittypet, or a clan cat? Each one comes with advantages, and disadvantages. Choose your pathe's wisely ~

To start connecting with other members, register below. Before you do anything, please read the site rules here: https://warriorcatsrp.canadian-forum.com/f1-rules - We have many features for our members including the Chatbox, RPGs, and much more.

It's time to begin the adventure!

Our Assistant Administrator is; TheFluffySheep.

Our moderators are; Spottedheart, and Sand&Others.

(If you do not want to make up your own charrie, use one that has a family, or a cat someone wishes to give away, you can posses, this is open to guests: https://warriorcatsrp.canadian-forum.com/f51-rpers-needed)

Thank you & hope to see you around! Very Happy

- Birdeh, Administrator & Founder of WarriorCatsRP - Like a Star @ heaven
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The ancient maple. - Page 3 EmptySun May 06, 2012 3:54 am by Birdeh

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The ancient maple. - Page 3 EmptyThu Apr 19, 2012 10:17 pm by Spottedheart

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 The ancient maple.

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The ancient maple. - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The ancient maple.   The ancient maple. - Page 3 EmptyMon Aug 22, 2011 5:32 pm

PoppyClaw smirked at DarkLuck, but returned to hunting. She spotted a large blue jay in a tree. She climbed the tree, making sure to stay silent. Moving slowly but swiftly, she reached te branch where the bird sat. She crept as close as she could, pouncing on the bird. She grasped the bird lightly in her jaws. Jumping down, she retrived her earlier catch, a fish, and returned to camp.
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The ancient maple. - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The ancient maple.   The ancient maple. - Page 3 EmptyThu Sep 22, 2011 5:20 am

She Darted in, and dropped into a hunter's crouch, Moving forwards to a vole. She Leaped up, Landing Perfectly by the vole, Killing it with a swift bite. She Grabbed it, and Darted back to the camp.
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The ancient maple. - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The ancient maple.   The ancient maple. - Page 3 EmptySat Oct 22, 2011 12:48 am

Watches her leave and then stalks a squirrel, swipes a paw at its neck and kills it within a few seconds. Looks around then rushes back to the border.
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The ancient maple. - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The ancient maple.   The ancient maple. - Page 3 EmptySat Oct 22, 2011 4:36 am

Spottedheart padded in, scenting the air. She then dropped into a perfect hunter's crouch and leaped forward, dispatching a thrush in a quick nip.
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The ancient maple. - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The ancient maple.   The ancient maple. - Page 3 EmptySat Oct 22, 2011 3:18 pm

RuffledStorm padded by.
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The ancient maple. - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The ancient maple.   The ancient maple. - Page 3 EmptySun Oct 30, 2011 5:45 am

Spottedheart sighed, wishing she had a family, mate, and kits. She laid her head on her paws and stared at the starry night sky.
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