WE ARE NOT ACTIVE. GO TO http://theheartofawarrior.canadian-forum.com/ that is a better site!
The menu buttons were created by Mistpelt of Warrior Clan Cats, I give all credit to her for them.

The new posts, no new posts, hot/popular, and locked icons for the subjects & topics were created by Magpie of ForgottenPurrs, I give all credit to her.

~ The clouds pass over the sky, as seconds pass by. Will you live out your live as a rogue, kittypet, or a clan cat? Each one comes with advantages, and disadvantages. Choose your pathe's wisely ~

To start connecting with other members, register below. Before you do anything, please read the site rules here: https://warriorcatsrp.canadian-forum.com/f1-rules - We have many features for our members including the Chatbox, RPGs, and much more.

It's time to begin the adventure!

Our Assistant Administrator is; TheFluffySheep.

Our moderators are; Spottedheart, and Sand&Others.

(If you do not want to make up your own charrie, use one that has a family, or a cat someone wishes to give away, you can posses, this is open to guests: https://warriorcatsrp.canadian-forum.com/f51-rpers-needed)

Thank you & hope to see you around! Very Happy

- Birdeh, Administrator & Founder of WarriorCatsRP - Like a Star @ heaven
WE ARE NOT ACTIVE. GO TO http://theheartofawarrior.canadian-forum.com/ that is a better site!
The menu buttons were created by Mistpelt of Warrior Clan Cats, I give all credit to her for them.

The new posts, no new posts, hot/popular, and locked icons for the subjects & topics were created by Magpie of ForgottenPurrs, I give all credit to her.

~ The clouds pass over the sky, as seconds pass by. Will you live out your live as a rogue, kittypet, or a clan cat? Each one comes with advantages, and disadvantages. Choose your pathe's wisely ~

To start connecting with other members, register below. Before you do anything, please read the site rules here: https://warriorcatsrp.canadian-forum.com/f1-rules - We have many features for our members including the Chatbox, RPGs, and much more.

It's time to begin the adventure!

Our Assistant Administrator is; TheFluffySheep.

Our moderators are; Spottedheart, and Sand&Others.

(If you do not want to make up your own charrie, use one that has a family, or a cat someone wishes to give away, you can posses, this is open to guests: https://warriorcatsrp.canadian-forum.com/f51-rpers-needed)

Thank you & hope to see you around! Very Happy

- Birdeh, Administrator & Founder of WarriorCatsRP - Like a Star @ heaven
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WE ARE NOT ACTIVE. GO TO http://theheartofawarrior.canadian-forum.com/ that is a better site!

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